What is Charcoal? Uses & Benefits of Charcoal Face Wash

In a world where we are fighting pollution left, right, and centre, taking good care of our skin and keeping it away from environmental aggressors is pivotal. This is where a routine in place makes all the difference, in addition to the products we use. But before we talk about that let’s start with debunking a myth surrounding this sooty black substance, charcoal, that the planet thinks is a “newcomer” in the world of skincare. If you think so too, let us tell you that charcoal has been there for ages and incorporating this black beauty in your daily routine can do wonders. Simply understanding charcoal face wash benefits for your skin can be your first step towards skin free from acne, scars, pimples, wrinkles and every other skin curse.

The Importance of a Healthy Skincare Routine

Why to use charcoal face wash is a secondary thought. Your primary consideration should be the importance of a consistent and well-planned skincare regimen. You must consult with your dermatologist before investing in products to cater to your skincare needs. Once done, you will be all set to invest in products like a face wash, toner, exfoliator, moisturizer, sunscreen, and perhaps a serum. Being alert and educated about your skin will help you in the long run. Trust us!

All About Face Wash

The benefits of face wash are ample and include getting rid of dirt, grime, pollutants, dead skin cells, and excess oil from the surface. Using one makes the first step in every skincare routine and helps achieve refreshed, rejuvenated skin. How to use face wash is not a tough technique as it only requires a few, easy steps. You can start by splashing some water on your face and applying some product over it. Move your fingertips in gentle circular motions throughout the face for optimal cleansing. Once done, simply rinse it off again and pat it dry. Getting your dream skin, however, requires more than this. You must invest in effective products such as Charcoal face wash as it will not only make your skin feel refreshed but also address your skin concerns like a pro.

What is activated charcoal?

Your skin needs nutrients like calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, and potassium to be in good health. You can find all of these nutrients in one single ingredient known as activated charcoal. This is made by heating coconut shells at high temperatures or let’s say, it is simply a form of carbon that is treated with oxygen to achieve a porous and absorbent substance.  So far so good? Let’s move on and learn how charcoal is a boon for your skin.

Benefits of Using Charcoal Face Wash

When it comes to getting healthy skin, there is not just one reason to use charcoal face wash, but many. Read below to find out how it benefits your skin:

  • Get rid of impurities: Regular use of charcoal face wash can help draw out bacteria and toxins from the skin pores, thus bidding adieu to impurities while helping you achieve smoother, brighter skin.
  • Treating acne and pimples: Activated charcoal possesses enhanced antibacterial properties that aid in the removal of microbes from the pores. Furthermore, a face mask such as the Zayn & Myza Charcoal Peel Off Mask can reduce acne and improve the texture of your skin.
  • Minimizes open pores: Open pores can exaggerate your current skincare problems; hence, using activated charcoal to treat such facial issues can help to reduce or unclog pores on your skin.
  • Regulates oil production in the skin: A charcoal face wash might reduce excess oil or sebum production, thus leaving you with refreshed skin after every use.
  • Reduces blackheads: A buildup of dust, bacteria, and minor skin conditions over time may cause you to develop blackheads or whiteheads. Using a charcoal face wash can help remove such toxins effectively.

Zayn & Myza Skincare Products You Must Bring Home Right Away

We at Zayn & Myza understand that getting good skin is a deal-breaker for you. Hence, we bring you effective, 100% vegan, cruelty-free, halal-certified, and dermatologically-tested skin care products such as our Vitamin C Foaming Face Wash, Charcoal Peel Off Mask, Charcoal Scrub With Aloe Vera Extracts, and many more. So, wait no longer to get healthier, brighter, clearer, and radiant skin. Shop for the Zayn & Myza Skincare range now!


  1. Can we use charcoal face wash daily?

Yes. You can use a charcoal face wash daily in order to get the desired results.

  1. Is charcoal wash good for your skin?

Yes. It helps you get rid of impurities from your skin and reduces blackheads, pimples, acne, and excess oil production, thus leaving your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated with every use.

  1. Does charcoal remove tan?

Yes. Charcoal skincare products can help you manage tanned skin.