Top 4 Ingredients to Avoid in Body Lotion

Body Lotion - Zayn & Myza

Want to pamper your skin? Well, there is no better way to do so than by adding a body lotion to your skincare routine. Applying body lotion is one of the best skincare tips to ensure well-hydrated, smooth, and radiant skin, that not only looks good but also feels healthy! While you may already have your hands reaching out to the bottle of body lotion, as you read this. But do you know if your body lotion ingredients are completely skin-friendly?

Well, to help you gauge the safeness quotient of your body lotion ingredients. We have compiled a list of toxic ingredients in body moisturizer you must completely avoid. So let’s find out about these nasty chemicals you must keep your skin safe from!

Top 4 Toxic Body Lotion Ingredients to Avoid

About 60% of the body care products such as body lotion or body moisturizer, that we use are absorbed into your skin. So it did be very careless of us to just slather body lotion all our bodies without checking what’s on its ingredients list. However, as much as we care for our skin, we tend to miss out keep a check on the ingredients when we buy skincare products. So let’s pledge ourselves to read the labels and make an informed choice.

We appreciate your time! So without any further ado, let us take you through a list of toxic body lotion ingredients that you must avoid at all costs –

Synthetic Fragrances

Synthetic fragrances are used in nearly 50% of all cosmetic and skincare products. They are blends of aromatic scents, that add an extra layer of luxury to the skincare products. But more often than not, body lotion ingredients that contain synthetic fragrances are a cocktail of hundreds of toxic chemicals. So when you read the word “fragrance” on the label of your body lotion, it’s a catch-all term that may include a combination of harmful chemicals inside.

Hence some clean beauty brands are releasing fragrance-free products. Although this does not mean that the body lotion is scentless. It just indicates that the product retains its natural scent without being masked with toxic chemicals.

Retinyl Palmitate (A Dangerous Form of Vitamin A)

Blame it on our desire to invest in anti-ageing products, skincare and cosmetic companies have capitalized on this by formulating products that are loathed with one of the most dangerous toxins – Retinyl Palmitate. It is a synthetic antioxidant, and a source of Vitamin A that is widely found as one of the body lotion ingredients. Research indicates that this toxic chemical can speed the development of cancerous tumours, and lesions on the skin. Look out for this on the label of the body moisturizer.


Parabens are preservatives that are one of the most commonly used body lotion ingredients and also are used in several cosmetic products. As per the research studies, Parabens are estrogenic chemicals that interact with your body’s hormones in a way that is similar to estrogen. Parabens have been linked to multiple health concerns including neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, and skin irritation


Just like Parabens, Phthalates are one of the most commonly found body lotion ingredients that come with fragrances. Phthalates typically help the scent to last longer. But it poses potential health risks including cancer, birth defects, and respiratory problems. So the best way to avoid phthalates is to skip buying any fragranced body moisturizer.

Tips for Choosing the Best Body Lotion That is Free From Harmful Toxins

The body lotion is a secret to your soft and supple skin. But is it really safe for your skin? Well, not really, as we just read about the body lotion that can contain harmful chemicals and toxins. So if you are wondering how to choose the best body lotion for yourself, we have got you covered. The key is to go for clean skincare products, that are free from harmful chemicals, and toxins, like the ones we read above!

And Here are a Few Essential Skincare Tips for Choosing a Clean Body Lotion Free from Harmful Ingredients for your Skin-

1. The labels on the clean skincare products will have all their ingredients listed, and not just the key ingredients.

2. A clean skincare brand will have a clean beauty certification displayed on their website or on their packaging which the health and beauty departments of the state would have officially issued to them.

3. Always review the amounts or percentages of the mentioned body lotion ingredients on the label to understand how skin friendly the product is.

Zayn and Myza Clean Body Lotion Collection To Your Rescue

Now that you have a clear idea about the harmful body lotion ingredients you must avoid, its time to buy a clean body lotion for your skin! Introducing an elaborate range of cruelty-free, clean beauty and skincare products at Zayn and Myza!

Our products are developed using skin-conscious and healthy ingredients. And as icing on the cake, our products are free from the “dubious 8 chemicals”. So what are you waiting for? Shop our clean skincare products range, and give your skin the love it deserves!