How Vegetarian Skincare Products Affect your Skin

Two facts we bet most of you are unaware of: First, you shed countless skin cells every single day. Second, the skin is the largest organ of your body.

The primary function of your skin is to protect your body from external factors like bacteria, chemicals, and pollution. But how is your skin supposed to do that when you are continuously feeding it with harsh and toxic substances?

Well, the routine face skincare products that you use, contain harmful chemicals like lead, parabens, and sulphates along with animal by-products and ingredients like beeswax, carmine, and lanolin all of which are very harmful to the skin because when you apply these, your skin absorbs them and all nasties enter your system.

This is precisely why the purity, safety, and cleanliness of the products you apply to your face matters. And vegetarian skincare here provides all of it. Let us walk you down the conscious beauty aisle.

What is Vegetarian Skincare?

Vegetarian skincare or vegan skincare means that the products do not contain animal by-products or animal ingredients, instead most of them contain plant-based alternatives. So you can be sure that you are not contributing to the cruel practices involved in rearing and harvesting farm animals.

Choose Vegetarian Skincare- Here’s Why!

1.It is More Winsome

Animal derivatives or plant-based derivatives? What would you choose if we told you that plant-based derivatives give the same results without causing any harm to the animals?

Carmine for instance, is the red pigment used in lipsticks, derived from crushed insects. The vegetarian alternative is beetroot. Likewise, vegan skincare products use Shea butter and cocoa butter as the moisturizing agent instead of beeswax.

And since these skincare products prevent unnecessary harm to animals, and give the same or better results, they are 100% winsome!

2. Avoid Deterrent Ingredients

Some skincare products use animal waste and by-products as their major ingredient. Gross right!

So now when you can’t even stand the sound of it, would you want to put them on your skin? To top it all, they are not limited to the skin. The products we apply eventually get absorbed into our system. That is why taking sides with vegetarian skincare products is the safe bet here.

3.More Benefits

Vegetarian products contain plant-based ingredients that are mostly free from nasty chemicals and contain more minerals and vitamins. This improves the skin texture and nourishes the skin from within, thus giving it a natural glow. However, check the labels to make sure what you are picking.

Additionally, vegetarian skincare products are making it to the top of the list because they also help in solving skin issues like acne, dryness, and eczema, with no side effects, on regular use.

4.Good for the Environment

The cruelty with which the animals are raised, harvested, and treated before they could be used to pick out ingredients, is just so appalling. Moreover, the chemicals used in manufacturing routine skincare products like sulphates, SLS and SLES, make their way into the water bodies and landfills, thus deteriorating land and water.

Vegetarian skincare products are free from this cruelty and cause no harm to the environment. So going all vegan when it comes to your vanity, is a good option because not only will it reduce greenhouse gases but also global acidification.

5.The Anti-Aging Effect

Vegan skincare is an effective way to ditch spending money on multiple anti-aging procedures in the future. They not only assist in gradual skin rejuvenation and slow down aging but also prevent multiple side effects that come along with chemical application or procedures.

Are you ready to make the transition to vegetarian products?
If the answer is yes, we are ready to walk along. Being 100% vegetarian and animal-cruelty-free, ZM delivers conscious and scienceable products.

For instance, face wash. Unlike other face washes containing silica and parabens, ZM offers foaming face wash in 4 natural variants – Vitamin C, Tea Tree, Coffee and Apple Cider Vinegar. ZM also has creams, masks and serums for dry skin and combination skin.

Unlike other skincare products that are made with large molecular structure, which take time to absorb, ZM products are made of small molecule size which easily penetrates and go deep into your skin to act on the root cause of your skin problems.

ZM also has 100% vegan serums, creams and masks, to make you feel chic, inside and out! So, choose your vibe with the ZM tribe!