How to Apply Rich Matte Like a Pro! Zayn & Myza

A swipe of matte lipstick can instantly elevate your makeup look, giving you a bold and sophisticated finish. However, achieving a flawless application can be tricky, leaving many wondering how to apply matte lipstick like a pro. Fear not! In this blog, we will unravel the secrets to mastering the art of applying rich matte lip colour. From choosing the perfect shade for your skin tone to step-by-step application techniques, get ready to embrace the velvety allure of matte lips and rock your makeup game like never before. 


Matte Lipstick Shades for Different Skin Tones  

The key to a stunning matte lip look starts with selecting the right shade for your skin tone. Here are some quick guidelines to help you choose from the Zayn & Myza’s range of perfect long lasting matte lipstick shades: 

  • Fair skin tones: Opt for soft pinks, corals, or dusty roses to add a pop of colour without overpowering your complexion. 
  • Medium skin tones: Embrace warm undertones with shades like mauves, berries, or brick reds that complement your skin’s natural radiance. 
  • Deep skin tones: Bold and vibrant hues like deep reds, plums, or berries beautifully enhance your skin’s rich tones. 

Process of Applying Matte Lipstick Step by Step  

Achieving a flawless matte lip requires a systematic approach. Follow these detailed steps for a professional application: 

Step 1: Prep your lips   

To create a smooth canvas, start by gently exfoliating your lips using a lip scrub or a soft toothbrush. This will remove any dry or flaky skin, leaving your lips soft and supple. Next, apply a lip balm or lip tint to moisturise and hydrate your lips. Allow it to absorb for a few minutes, ensuring your lips are well-prepped for the matte lipstick. 

Step 2: Use a lip liner   

Select a lip liner in a shade close to your matte lipstick colour. Begin by outlining your lips, starting from the cupid’s bow and moving towards the corners. Use short, feathery strokes to create precise lines and define the shape of your lips. The lip liner not only prevents the lipstick from bleeding or feathering but also helps in achieving a more defined and polished look. 

Step 3: Apply the lipstick   

Now it’s time to apply the matte lipstick. You can either use a lip brush or directly apply it from the bullet, depending on your preference. Start from the centre of your upper lip and carefully fill in the colour, following the natural curve of your lips. Then, move to the bottom lip, again starting from the centre and working your way towards the corners. Ensure an even application by smoothing the lipstick along your lips. Layer it as needed to achieve your desired intensity. 

Step 4: Blot and reapply   

After applying the first coat of matte lipstick, gently blot your lips with a tissue. This step helps remove any excess product and ensures a more long-lasting finish. Once blotted, reapply a second coat of lipstick to intensify the colour and enhance the longevity of the matte finish. Blotting between coats also helps in preventing the lipstick from smudging or transferring. 

Step 5: Clean up any mistakes   

To perfect the shape of your matte lips, use a concealer or a small brush dipped in foundation. Trace around the edges of your lips to clean up any smudges or mistakes and create sharp, well-defined lines. This step helps in achieving a polished look and ensures that your matte lipstick stands out beautifully. 

By following these detailed steps, you can achieve a flawless and professional application of matte lipstick, allowing you to rock a bold and sophisticated look with confidence. 

Advantages of Matte Lipstick over Regular Lipstick  

Matte lipstick offers several advantages that set it apart from regular lipsticks. Here are a few reasons why you should embrace the matte lip trend: 

  • Long-lasting wear: Matte lipsticks are known for their impressive staying power, ensuring your lip colour remains intact throughout the day. 
  • Minimal transfer: Matte formulas tend to stain less as compared to creamy or glossy lipsticks, providing a smudge-proof and kiss-proof finish. 
  • Intense pigmentation: Matte lipsticks offer intense colour payoff, allowing you to achieve bold, statement-making lips in just one swipe. 
  • No shine or gloss: If you prefer a more sophisticated and velvety finish, these lipsticks provide a beautiful matte texture without any shine or gloss. 
  • Versatility: Matte lipsticks can be dressed up or down, making them suitable for various occasions, from everyday wear to glamorous evenings.