Here’s What to Eat for Suhoor to stay Hydrated During Ramadan

It is natural to forget about your proper nutrition and hydration during Ramadan. However, if you want to follow the proper skincare tips, you need to ensure to keep a check on staying hydrated during Ramadan. (As sufficient water quantity in your body nourishes your body and enhances the appearance of your skin.)

To ensure that you are not compromising the water level in your body and following a proper skincare routine, include these items in your suhoor daily. When you have enough healthy food during the commencement of suhoor you tend to cover up for all those hours when you are without food and drink.

1.Water– It goes without saying that water is essential; you need to have sufficient quantity to stay hydrated during Ramadan. You can start your suhoor with a glass of water and keep sipping it in between the meal. Later, after you finish your meal, you should sip some more of it until the time window for suhoor closes. Overall, this should include at least 1.5 liters of water in your suhoor time. This much quantity is important to keep your body working fine, and each part gets the proper hydration level. You can even replace the plain water with coconut water if you want for added hydration. (Coconut water is bliss for your body and skincare, as per skincare tips, it can bring a lovely glow to your face and can keep you hydrated for a longer time.)

2. Fruit juice – A glass or two of orange, pineapple, or even mixed fruit juice is enough to keep you hydrated for long hours. Fruit juices are filling and contain a high level of nutrition, which can be a boon for your body and skincare. With this added fluid in your body during suhoor, you are less likely to feel dehydrated during the day.

3. Fresh fruits – Apart from fruit juices, you can even include some fresh fruits in your suhoor meal. We would suggest watermelon, orange, grapes, musk melon, and kiwi, which are filled with water. These fruits are highly hydrating and tend to keep your sugar and water level under control for the entire day. Do you know having these fruits on a daily basis is a recommended skincare tip?

4. Smoothies – When we say smoothies for suhoor to stay hydrated, we don’t mean the ones only made with fruits. But these should include some nourishing veggies in there too. Like, you can opt for a cucumber, mint, and kiwi smoothie or dates, Banana, and nuts smoothie, etc. You can include as many healthy natural ingredients in them as you want and increase your hydration quotient during your Ramadan.

5. Dates and milk – We know you start your iftar with dates, but this doesn’t mean you can’t have them during your suhoor! Dates are rich in iron and highly nourishing for your body. And when you have them with milk, you are providing nourishment with hydration to your body that ultimately keeps your water level at its best during the entire day.

Try to include these essential food items in your suhoor without fail if you want your body to stay healthy and your skin beautiful and glowing. However, remember that apart from intaking these hydrating items, you should try to minimize some stuff that absorbs the water from your body the most. Excessive caffeine or tea during your suhoor can make you feel dehydrated within a few hours. Similarly, opting for junk or oily food can again impact the body’s stored water quotient, indirectly impacting your skin, making it dry, and you look more tired and feel nauseated throughout the day.

Also, following proper skincare tips are essential, along with the inner hydration of your body for beautiful skin. Like, you should use a tea tree face serum regularly apart from moisturizing and cleaning your skin with a vitamin C face wash at proper intervals to provide it hydration from the outside as well. We are sure you’ll spend a healthy Ramadan and definitely look glowing during Eid with these skincare tips.