Everything You Need To Know About Zinc Face Serum

how to use face serum?

Guide To Using A Zinc Serum For Acne & Excess Sebum

  • Are you troubled by constant acne breakouts & skin inflammation?
  • Does your skin seem congested and uneven with bumps?
  • Are your pores enlarged and secrete more oil than ever? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, here’s one ingredient that you desperately need in your skincare regime, and it’s none other than – Zinc PCA!

While most people consider Zinc to be a vital mineral that must be a part of your regular diet, this form of Zinc is an essential skin-tightening ingredient that can have miraculous benefits on your skin! 

Eager to know more? Let’s dive into it!

What is Zinc PCA? 

Zinc PCA Sebun Control Face Serum - Zayn & Myza

A rather new introduction amongst the skincare ingredients, Zinc PCA is a water-soluble salt derived from Pyrrolidone Carboxylic Acid (PCA), a naturally occurring amino acid that is present in the skin & plays a role in keeping the skin tight & firm.

This active ingredient is being used widely for topical usage on skin, specifically as acne treatment and moisturizing. Wondering how this Zinc salt can help acne-prone skin? Let’s find out!

How Does Zinc PCA Serum Help Acne? 

While many people assume that popping pimples is the only reason it leaves behind dark spots and scars, it is actually not so. Acne breakouts naturally leave dark spots, scars, swelling, and redness on your skin. This is where an anti-inflammatory nutrient like Zinc plays a major role!

Zinc PCA is a great skincare ingredient as it significantly reduces the redness and swelling around your breakouts. This ensures that the number of scars & spots left is much lesser and lightens over time. Besides this, Zinc PCA has antibacterial properties that limit the growth of acne-causing bacteria and control the spurt of further breakouts!

An ingredient that not only controls breakouts but also diminishes its visibility? What more does one need!

Benefits of Zinc PCA Serum For Acne 

  • Calms Inflammation

Acne flare ups often cause redness, swelling, bumps, irritation and other uncomfortable marks on your face. A Zinc PCA serum can effectively soothe your skin thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties!

  • Kills Acne Causing Bacteria 

A specific bacteria can cause intense acne flare-ups on your skin. A Zinc PCA serum applied regularly can keep these bacteria away and even kill the existing ones on your skin to contain the spurt of acne and pimples.

  • Controls Excess Sebum Production

Excess sebum production can create unhygienic conditions for your skin by attracting dirt, impurities, and germs. As research proves that Zinc PCA has sebostatic properties, it can regulate sebum production & secretion by controlling the activity of 5 alpha-reductase enzymes and maintain oil & grease-free skin. 

  • Shrinks Large Pores

Zinc PCA is also known to have the ability to control and balance oil secretion levels on your face. This ensures the redness & grease levels are regulated by effectively minimizing pores and diminishing the visibility of large pores.

How to Use Zinc PCA Serum for Acne? 

As established, Zinc PCA Sebum Control Face Serum is best for people with acne-prone or oily skin or who have consistent breakouts. The best way to include this face serum in your skincare routine is 

  • Cleanse your face with a face wash or cleanser.
  • Tone your skin with a toner.
  • Apply a pea-sized amount of an Acne Clarifying Zinc PCA serum to your clean face.
  • Apply a layer of moisturizer.

You can include a Zinc PCA or Acne Clarifying serum in your AM & PM skincare routine to give your skin the absolute best acne treatment!

Now that you know all about this excellent nutrient that clears acne, are you looking for the best face serum infused with Zinc PCA to treat your beautiful skin? We have just what you’re looking for! 

Zinc PCA Sebum Control Face Serum 

Enriched with 100% vegan ingredients like Zinc PCA , our halal ZM Zinc PCA Sebum Control Face Serum helps soothe and clear your acne-prone, oily, combination skin that faces frequent breakouts! 

Effectively regulating your skin’s excess oil secretion and sebum production that clog your pores, our chemical and cruelty-free halal face serum is the best solution for dealing with pimple or acne flare ups. Single-handedly clearing existing active acne, soothing redness & inflammation, unclogging pores, and preventing breakouts, our Zinc pca serum goes one step forward by maintaining your hydration levels with Hyaluronic Acid! 

Here are the Benefits of This Advanced Formula:-

  1. Regulates sebum production & oil secretion.
  2. Cleanses clogged pores & shrinks them. 
  3. Reduces inflammation & redness caused by acne.
  4. Acts effectively to clear existing active acne. 
  5. Prevents breakouts by killing acne-causing bacteria.
  6. Delivers clear, acne-free, and soothed complexion!

Get your hands on the most effective acne treatment – our halal Zinc PCA Sebum Control Face Serum that says No More Pimples for a flawless, seamless complexion that always glows!