Dry Skin Tips – What it is & How one can Treat it Right?

skincare routine for oily skin - zayn & myza

From dealing with dull conversations to dealing with dry skin, we all grew up! Of all the red flags in our life that are hard to get past, dry skin is on the top of that list.

Wondering what causes dry skin? Apparently everything!

Every season can be a dry skin season if you are not careful enough. From using harsh chemical-based soaps or living in a dry region to spending a lot of time in the sun, moisture is usually just waiting to leave your skin. Although, a religious 4-step moisturizing skin care routine is more than enough to retain this moisture.

But how to identify that your skin is dry?

Here’s the list of dry skin red flags you should be aware about :-
Rough texture of skin ?
Skin that’s breaking and flaking ?
Wrinkled, loose skin that looks dull and dehydrated ?
Skin that feels tight and shrinking after washing & drying your face ?

We know that to treat dry skin, we need to moisturize our skin. But then why doesn’t that always work? Well, sounds like you aren’t following the other 3 steps properly!

Step 1: Cleansing; but with a mild chemical-free face wash\

ZM Face wash

Whenever you wash your face or body, using chemical-based soaps every day can dry your skin too much for any weather. Although, cleansing your pores & washing away the dirt and dead skin cells is imperative. Thus, the only solution is to use a chemical-free mild face wash. Dry skin can leave your face looking dull & wrinkled.

At Zayn and Myza, we offer a range of cleansers & face wash that will clean your pores and retain your skin’s natural moisture. Use a cleanser from our select range to boost your skin’s refreshing radiance and make it look soft and supple!

Step 2: Using a mild exfoliant

ZM Face serum

Dry skin = dead skin. Your body is looking to eliminate the layer of dry & flaky skin asap. So the more dry your skin is, the more skin flaking you will notice.
For your face, use a mild exfoliant that will gently get rid of the dry skin. This further allows the fresh layer of skin to absorb any moisturizing cream more easily & effectively.

Use Fruit AHA Face Serum that contains Ceramides! Along with a gentle exfoliating effect, it will also leave your skin soft & supple. Its active AHA gives your skin a natural glow that is refreshing and unlike the dullness that comes with dry skin.

Step 3: Applying a hydration locking moisturizer

This step is a given for this reading. Although there are a few things you should know when moisturizing dry skin. It needs ingredients that will go that extra mile.

hyaluronic acid face serum - ZM

Use our Hyaluronic Acid Face Serum with 24K Gold for instantly hydrating your dry skin! Hyaluronic acid delivers intense hydration that lasts longer than other moisturizers. The active 24k gold ingredient in this face serum will brighten and awaken your skin to reveal a sun-like radiant complexion.

ZM Face Cream

ZM Face cream

If you want to hydrate, lighten, and instantly rejuvenate your skin, ZM face cream is just what you’re looking for! The Vitamin C day cream and night cream in our range stimulate collagen production to brighten, tighten, and hydrate your skin. The Shea & Murumuru Butter in the moisturizing creams provides deep nourishment to dry, dull skin. Look forward to a glowing, smooth, youthful complexion every day!

Step 4: Protecting your skin from drying & harmful UVA & UVB rays

Harmful UVA & UVB rays can damage your skin, and the long hours under the sun can dry out your skin. But UVA & UVB rays can dry your skin from within, beyond the primary layer of your skin. It goes without saying that protecting your skin with a broad spectrum SPF moisturizer is imperative! But what all needs this SPF protection? Mainly your face, body & lips. All parts of your body where the skin is thinner require that extra layer of protection!

ZM’s Vitamin C Day Cream

Containing broad-spectrum SPF, our Vitamin C day cream protects your skin from the sun and gives you a brighter, even-toned complexion.

ZM Moisturising Lip Balm – Cherry

ZM Lipbalm

Free of the ‘dubious 8’ chemicals, this vegan, moisturizing ZM lip balm protects your lips from turning dark in the sun while constantly delivering the intense hydration your lips deserve.

So are we ready to finally let go of Dry Skin & its red flags? Let’s do so with ZM’s chemical-free & vegan skin care for dry skin!