Acne Skincare – Dos & Don’ts for Acne-Prone Skin

Dos and Don’ts for Acne-Prone Skin

If you are struggling with acne-prone skin every day, we get you. Sudden or prolong acne could happen due to multiple reasons: hormonal changes or imbalance, sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary habits, clogging of pores due to poor skincare, etc. While taking care of your skin can keep extrinsic factors in control, it is important to change certain habits for sustainable results.

Before we get started, it is important that you know your skin type. An oily skin may have different requirements from a dry skin.

Here are a few Dos and Don’ts for treating an acne-prone skin:


1. Wash your face after using a conditioner

Conditioners are excellent to lock in the moisture in your hair. But not many people know that its moisturizing property can come in contact with your skin and block your pores.

So, next time on your hair-wash day, use your face wash after you condition your hair. Prefer using a foaming face wash for oily skin that maintain natural oil balance of your skin and doesn’t dry it out.

2. Trust Tea Tree

Okay, we know you have a list of face cleansing ideas on your list, but nothing can work as efficiently as a tea tree face wash. Here us out. A tea tree face wash is known to fight acne-causing bacteria and cleanses pores.

You can also include tea tree face serum for acne and scars in your skincare regimen. A face serum reaches deep into your skin and works directly on pimples and dark spots. Here’s something you can try.

Dirty linen and bedcovers can become a host to various bacteria that frequently comes in contact with your skin, especially your face. Make sure you not only wash them regularly but use a fresh pillowcase every few days.

3. Include Salicylic Acid

A Salicylic Acid face wash is the best thing to cope up with acne-prone skin.  It acts as an exfoliating agent and cleanses the pores. When followed by a Salicylic Acid face serum, it can do wonders to your skin.  

Try ZM Tea Tree & Salicylic Acid Foaming Face Wash & Tea Tree and Salicylic Acid Face Serum for pimple-free, healthy skin.

The key is 2% Salicylic Acid that clears clogged pores and removes dirt and excessive oil from the skin, keeping acne at bay. It also comes with built-in brush applicator that helps better penetration of ingredients into the skin and improves blood circulation.

4. See a Dermatologist

Do not shy away from seeing your dermatologist if the problem persists. While keeping your skin clean and following a skincare regimen helps you externally steer clear of acne, there could be underlying issues giving rise to your skin problems.

Also, make sure you keep your mind relaxed. Stress can be a big reason to cause sudden breakouts.

5. Workout and Keep it Clean

Regular exercise helps improve blood circulation and release toxins, which in turn keeps the skin clean. It also helps with hormonal imbalance that could be an underlying cause to your breakouts.

Make sure you wash off the sweat soon after your workout session to avoid clogging of pores. It’s best to carry an organic face wash for oily skin with you to the gym and cleanses your face soon after you’re done.


1. Apply a Hair Oil for Over an Hour

If you have oily skin, don’t go to bed with oil in your hair. It can aggravate pimples. Instead, apply it for an hour, just before hair wash.

Use a light hair oil and make sure to wash your face with a foaming face wash for oily skin after application to avoid any spill away cause acne on your forehead.

2. Keep your Hair from Falling on your Forehead

If you experience frequent breakouts on your forehead, don’t let your hair fall on your forehead. Avoid complicated hair cuts that make pinning up your hair backwards difficult. The dandruff or oil in your hair can aggravate your pimples.

3. Touch or Squeeze your Pimples

The most popular advice for acne-prone skin is to avoid touching your face frequently. It could be tempting to squeeze your pimples, but it can spread the bacteria to the pores of your skin, causing further damage to your skin. At the same time, stop touching your face as that will transfer the dirt on your hands to your face, giving way to more acne.

4. Use Physical Scrubs

Now whenever we speak of scrubs, people feel the more the better. But physical scrubs like the ones with apricot or almond extracts can wear your skin and cause more breakouts.

Switch to chemical scrubs instead with AHA and BHA in them. It has fruit acids that exfoliate and gently remove dead skin. Ideally these should be used not more than twice a week.

5. Use Multi-Blade Razors

If you are a teenaged boy who have just started shaving, consider using electric razors over multi-blade ones. The latter cuts your hair below the level of your skin, leaving possibility for various infections.

Also, do not forget to sanitize your razor, massager, blackhead remover or any other tool you use directly on your face, to avoid contact with bacteria.

6. Take your Makeup to Bed

We cannot complete this list without mentioning this one. ALWAYS remove your makeup with a hydrating makeup remover before you hit the bed.

For a great experience, try ZM Cleansing Makeup Remover Balm that suits all skin types. Good news: It’s a super hydrating makeup remover, so won’t leave your skin dry.

If not removed properly, makeup can clog your pores and lead to breakouts. Use a good cleansing makeup remover balm for oily skin to wipe off your makeup and rinse of the residue with a cleanser.

Taking care of acne-prone skin can be tricky, but the counter trick is to love your skin for what it is. Stick to halal skincare products which lack harmful chemicals. Along with this, stay away from oily food, and cover your face whenever you step out. Hope these simple dos and don’ts take you a long way in forming good skincare habits for acne-prone skin.