A Complete Guide To Using Hyaluronic Acid For Skin Hydration

ZM Hyaluronic Acid Face serum-min

When it comes to hydrating your skin, one goes through a long list of troubles. Finding the perfect product, understanding how to apply it, and worrying about why there are no results of the same.

Well, if you ask us for an ingredient that will help you overcome your dry skin problem, it is hyaluronic acid skin care products. You’ll find this magical ingredient in various skincare products like serums, cleansers, moisturizers, and more! It is a topical ingredient that suits all skin types but is best for people with flaky or dry skin.

But first, let us understand what this miracle ingredient is.

What Is Hyaluronic Acid?

hyaluronic acid face serum - ZM

Hyaluronic acid is a group of sugar molecules that are found naturally in the body’s connective tissues. It primarily performs as a lubricating and cushioning agent for our joints, nerves, hair, skin, and eyes.

The sad part is the levels of hyaluronic acid deplete in our body over time. This may happen due to old age or other environmental factors like air pollution.

But on the upside, you can use hyaluronic acid by applying it topically on your skin. Hyaluronic acid is sometimes present in your day-to-day products like moisturizers as a part of the ingredient list. Or you can find hyaluronic acid as a star ingredient in serums. Such use of the ingredient can help restore the depleted acid.

Still wondering why you should replace your standard hydrating skin care products with hyaluronic acid skin care? We’re here to discuss this potent ingredient’s extensive uses and benefits!

Benefits Of Hyaluronic Acid For Skin

Face serum - Zayn & Myza

Skin health is not just about the beauty of the surface of your skin. Did you know lack of moisture in your skin can lead to multiple problems? This is why using hyaluronic acid face serum in your skincare routine becomes imperative. Let us understand what are some other significant uses of hyaluronic acid skin care products –

1. Stores tons of moisture
While you know how hyaluronic acid can help you moisturize your skin in seconds, you will be amazed by the science behind it. Many dermatologists claim that hyaluronic acid can draw moisture from the air and keep your skin hydrated, holding about 1000 times its weight in water. Yes, you heard it right. Hyaluronic acid can not only store moisture in your skin, it stores tons of it!

ZM skincare products containing hyaluronic acid use the ‘small molecule formula’ to allow active ingredients like hyaluronic acid to get quickly absorbed into your skin.

2. Gets rid of old-age wrinkles
The main reason for wrinkles or fine lines is skin dehydration. Since hyaluronic acid skin care products retain and absorb moisture easily, they can also help reduce wrinkles.

3. Alternative to beauty fillers
The hyaluronic acid composition is so close to substances in one’s body, it is not a harmful ingredient. Due to this, it can be used as a substitute for artificial lip and cheek fillers.

How To Apply Hyaluronic Acid Skincare Products?

Like any other skincare product, you need to apply hyaluronic acid consistently and regularly to reap its skin benefits completely. Let’s break down the process of applying a hyaluronic acid facial serum or moisturizer –

Step 1 – The first and most crucial step before applying a skincare product is cleansing your skin.

Step 2 – Once you have cleansed your skin, apply hyaluronic acid serum or moisturizer while your skin is damp evenly.

Step 3 – Ensure you apply the serum before the moisturizer to lock in the active ingredient.

Recommended dosage of hyaluronic acid is twice a day.

ZM’s Hyaluronic Acid 1.5% Face Serum with 24K Gold-

ZM Hyaluronic Acid serum

Halal face serum free from the ‘dubious 8’ chemicals, this ZM hyaluronic acid face serum deeply moisturizes and visibly brightens your skin to give you the post-spa glow. It also reduces wrinkles and fine lines on your skin. The added benefit of the 24k gold adds luster to your skin, giving you a gilded radiance.

Now that you know all about hyaluronic acid skincare products, get rid of dry and dull skin and welcome bright and hydrated skin today!