8 Skin Care Tips You Need to Keep Your Skin Healthy this Monsoon

With the onset of the rainy season, the earth rejuvenates with showers of bliss! However, the monsoon also brings its fair share of challenges, especially for our skin. The increased humidity and dampness can lead to various skin issues like breakouts, dullness, and excessive oiliness. To help you maintain healthy and glowing skin this monsoon, Zayn & Myza has compiled eight essential monsoon skin care tips that will keep your skin looking radiant and refreshed.

Why is skincare essential during the monsoon?

Our skin is our body’s biggest organ and serves us as an ever-present shield from external elements. Pollutants, UV rays, and all kinds of climatic conditions threaten our skin’s health, but our actions to take care of it can ensure its health for many years to come. Not only that, it also helps to enhance its appearance and our overall well-being. Skincare is thus of utmost importance, not only in the short-term but in the long-term as well.

During monsoon, skin care is an absolute must due to the unique climate and challenges it brings along. Raised humidity levels, a higher risk of bacterial or fungal infections, excessive oil production, and fluctuating weather can all contribute to skin that is not only dull but dehydrated and susceptible to breakouts. To avoid such problems, adopting a specialised skincare regime is key. The right care can help us to stay nourished, maintain a healthy complexion, and enjoy the rain without damaging our skin. Monsoon skin care requires attentiveness and precaution to keep the complexions protected – but it is worth it as it allows us to experience the beauty of the season without compromising our skin’s well-being.

  1. Cleanse and Hydrate

The foundation of any skincare routine is proper cleansing. Opt for a gentle face cleanser that removes dirt, grime, and excess oil without stripping away the natural moisture of your skin. Look for a vitamin C face wash as it helps brighten your complexion and provides antioxidant protection. Follow up with a lightweight, oil-free moisturiser gel to hydrate your skin without feeling heavy or greasy. 

  1. Don’t Forget the Body

While we pay attention to our facial skin, it’s crucial not to neglect the rest of our body. Invest in a nourishing body skin care routine by using a hydrating vitamin c body lotion or cream. Apply it generously after showering to lock in moisture and prevent dryness. Focus on areas prone to roughness like elbows, knees, and heels. 

  1. Add a Face Serum to your Routine

Boost your skincare regimen with a face serum that targets specific skin concerns. Look for serums containing hyaluronic acid serum, niacinamide, or vitamin C. These ingredients help hydrate, brighten, and even out your skin tone. Apply a few drops of serum after cleansing and before moisturising to amplify the benefits of your routine. 

  1. Indulge in Face Masks and let your skin absorb all vitalities

Treat your skin to a weekly face mask session. Opt for a hydrating mask that replenishes lost moisture and revitalises dull skin. Alternatively, use a clay-based mask to draw out impurities and regulate excess oil production. Apply a thin layer, leave it on for the recommended time, and rinse off with lukewarm water for a refreshed complexion. 

  1. Gentle Exfoliation

During the monsoon season, exfoliation remains a crucial step in your skincare routine, as it helps eliminate dead skin cells and prevents pore blockage. Nevertheless, it’s important to exercise caution by opting for mild exfoliants to prevent excessive dryness. Consider incorporating a gentle exfoliating face scrub containing fine granules and natural components into your regimen. In addition, you can enhance your routine with the AHA 25% Exfoliating Face Serum. Remember to delicately massage these products onto damp skin using circular motions, with special attention to congestion-prone areas such as the T-zone. 

  1. Protect Your Lips

Chapped lips are a common problem during the rainy season. Ensure you keep your lips moisturised with a nourishing lip balm. Look for ingredients like shea butter or cocoa butter that provide deep hydration. Apply a layer of lip balm throughout the day and before going to bed to keep your lips soft and moisturized. 

  1. Shield from UV Rays

Even on cloudy days, harmful UV rays can penetrate your skin, leading to premature ageing and damage. Don’t skip vitamin c sunscreen during monsoon. Opt for a lightweight, hydrating gel vitamin c sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection. Apply it generously to all exposed areas, including your face, neck, and hands, at least 15 minutes before stepping out.

  1. Stay Hydrated

Lastly, maintaining hydrated skin starts from within. Drink adequate amount of water to keep your skin plump and healthy. The monsoon season may tempt you with hot beverages, but don’t forget to balance it with water intake. Hydration helps flush out toxins, keeps your skin moisturised, and enhances its natural radiance. 


Let the rainy season be an invitation to reclaim your skin’s beauty! By keeping up with these 8 monsoon skin care tips by Zayn & Myza, you can keep your skin safe from dryness, humidity, and other challenges the monsoon brings along. You need to be diligent with your cleansing, hydration, and protection routine, and give nourishing replenishments such as face masks and serums. Maintaining a suitable skincare practice will help your skin remain healthy, illuminated, and truly fit to absorb the captivating charm of the season of the hour!